Guest Blog: Naturopathy & Digestive Health

Loud Gurgles? Your Digestive System is Talking to You!

Gurgling is cute when you’re a baby, but not so great when it’s your stomach doing the loud rumbling in a quiet room. I clearly remember sitting down in my high school science class, trying to contain all of the crazy clicks and gurgles coming out of my abdomen. It was all the worse when we were having a test with a bit of stress added to the mixture.

There’s a lot going on in our bodies all the time and our digestive system plays a large role in our overall wellbeing. Ideally, we eat, digest our food properly and have loads of energy for the day. Unfortunately, that isn’t too common anymore for many of us. As a naturopath, I see many different people with many different health concerns, and it all boils down to working on digestion first. I find if we clear the digestive problems, many of the other health problems like eczema, hives, sore joints, headaches, menstrual cramps tend to fall to the wayside.

What you eat is important, but also how you eat plays a big role. Are you rushed while eating? Are you noticing how the food tastes? Also, blood flow is important. Not something you think about regularly, but if you are being chased by a bear after your lunch, your body isn’t going to put the blood to your digestive system, rather it will divert the flow to your arms and legs to run out of there. This is what can happen if we are in a rush while we are eating and can contribute to cramps, constipation, diarrhea, stomach ulcers and poor digestion in general.

If you feel your digestive system could use a little more attention and care, please think of working with a naturopathic doctor. Over the years I have worked successfully with many people with irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO, Crohn’s, H. pylori, acid reflux and many other digestive issues and am more than happy to discuss your concerns to see if naturopathic medicine could help you achieve your health goals.

Jennifer Drummond is a naturopathic doctor with a practice in Toronto, On. You can find out more about her on her website at


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